CHECK-IN TIME: after 14:00PM

CHECK-OUT TIME: before 12:00PM

Early check-in/Late check-out are subject to fees (please contact reception or hotel directly for details

  1. Please present your passport or other valid forms of ID upon checking in at the front desk.
  2. When checking in, please check the quantity and conditions of the items present in the room according to the "List of items room items". If items are found missing or are in damaged conditions, please notify the Reception desk immediately. You will be fully responsible for any loss or damages to room items during your stay.
  3. The hotel is only responsible for property or money held for safekeeping at the reception desk.
  4. Guns, ammunition, explosives, toxic substances, narcotics, pets, and food with strong odor are not allowed in hotel rooms. No cooking or laundry allowed in non-apartment rooms.
  5. All forms of gambling, drug use, and prostitution are strictly prohibited in all hotel areas.
  6. For security reasons, guests are not allowed to arbitrarily displace furniture inside the room or from one room to another. If property or furniture in the room is lost or damaged, guests will be fully responsible for 100% of the damage.
  7. Do not change rooms or bring additional overnight guests or day visitors into hotel rooms without prior registration at the reception desk.
  8. If you have relatives or other non-hotel guests visiting, please contact the reception desk to arrange for their visitation.
  9. When leaving the room, please remove the key card from the power socket and return all key cards to the front desk. The electricity in the room will automatically cut off when the door is closed.
  10. If you detect a fire in the Hotel, please immediately find a way to notify the people in the nearest area and calmly follow instructions on fire prevention.
  11. Check-in time is 14:00 pm and check-out time is 12:00 noon. If guests check in earlier or check out later than the above times without prior notice, they will have to pay the corresponding surcharges according to the hotel's regulations. Please contact Reception for any late check-out or early check-in requests.
  12. Before leaving the hotel, please pay all outstanding bills and return all room keys to the front desk. Loss or damages to hotel key cards are subject to a replacement fee of 500,000vnd per card.
  13. Smoking is strictly prohibited in rooms and common areas except for outdoor spaces. Violations are subject to a minimum penalty of 500,000 vnd per violation.
  14. Luggage storage after check-out  is subject to fees (please contact front desk for specific details).

Hotel Management reserves the right to evict or terminate guests' reservation without compensation or refunds who violate the hotel's rules and regulations.